Absurdly simple Mexican Crockpot Chicken

Do you ever have those morning that you know you’ll get home that day and you’ll be so tired that you won’t want to make dinner? Then that will turn into take-out or munching on a bag of salt and vinegar chips while vegetating in front of the TV. I know when I’m at school and get back from a long day of classes, followed by a long rehearsal, I don’t want to do anything much less cook a square meal. I can usually tell when it’s going to be that kind of day, so I try to pre-plan.
Enter: the crockpot. My crockpot is my very best friend on those kind of days. It saves me from falling into the “I’m too tired” trap.

This recipe is just about as easy as calling for take-out or taking the effort to open that bag. It’s much cheaper than take-out, much better for you than a bag of chips, and tastier than both combined. It’s perfect for college students and busy people alike.
I try my hardest to stay away from prepackaged foods as much as possible, but if you check the ingredients on the salsa can and make sure it only has normal ingredients (like tomatoes, onion, garlic, oregano, etc) then you should be okay. You do have to watch out for added sugar which the manufacturers like to add…for whatever unknown reason. Sometimes we just don’t have the time to do it all, so it’s good to have a stash of simple-ingredient staples, like salsa, at hand.
I think Mexican food is so homey, comforting, and tasty. I guess it’s my version of Mexican because I doubt a can of salsa would be used, but I don’t care. When you get home and smell that appetizing aroma of chicken slow cooking, you’ll thank me.

salsa chicken close up
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